Jan 182024

Credit Cards are becoming an increasingly popular method of financing purchases. However, this has brought much negative press to accompany the inherent advantages. Why is this? First and foremost many are failing to comprehend the best-practice use of a credit card. This means only using it to finance purchases that you can afford to pay off in the short term. For those that follow this rule, credit cards work great. If you wish to complete a purchase that you cannot afford in the short to medium term then consider financing in the way of a bank loan which may offer a fairer rate, yet provide less flexibility in terms of repayment compared to a credit card provider.

Think Big

With a credit card provider bigger is almost always better. Why? Should you go with a bigger brand then they will be accepted in more countries, more shops and have a reputation to protect.


Terms and conditions provide a framework to your future relationship with your credit card provider. Through reading these carefully you can be sure that you do not breach these terms, you have a fair understanding of what to expect from your relationship, and you also know when your credit card provider is failing to follow the rules that they set.


Something that is free for six months and then costs twice as much for the duration of the contract may not be a great option. That is why you have to sit down and think things through in real terms. In Real terms simply means thinking things through by comparison and calculation. Sit down, and consider how you intend to use your credit card, and calculate the charges you will incur with at least 3 options. You may be surprised by the results!

What does it all come down to?

When choosing a credit card it all boils down to, how much you are going to have to pay in the long-term for your level of spend and projected repayment periods. Why is the cheapest credit card different for different people? This is because when choosing a credit card there are different factors that have different weights depending on your usage habits.

As with all forms of financing credit cards can cause real worry and stress through those who fail to plan and consider how they are going to finance the money that they borrowed. That is why, before you complete a credit card purchase, always consider where the money is going to come from to pay it back.

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